
Explore the many ways you can serve here at Heritage. Please let us know how we can help you find the fit that is just right for you.

Visitor Ministries

Heritage Baptist Church loves visitors! We have several ministries that are designed to help our first-time visitors. In addition to greeters in our lobby, we have a visitor gift ministry, visitor outreach, and events throughout the year where we try to make those who visit our church campus feel welcome, informed, and encouraged to return. 

Children's Ministries

We have many children's ministries available to serve in. We are grateful for members who choose to volunteer in the nursery, our Wednesday evening Master Clubs program, or various children's events throughout the year.  


One of the main reasons our church exists is to share the Gospel with the community around us. Each Saturday we have a group that brings information about our church into our local community. It is a great opportunity to invite our neighbors to church, to share the love of Christ, and to let them know we are here to assist them in any way we can. Please contact Jeremy Buschman for more information.

"For we are laborers together with God:"

1 Corinthians 3:9