
Newborn to 5th grade, there is a great class experience every Sunday for kids at Heritage.

Safety is our Main Priority

As families commit to attending the same service each week, children are placed in a class of familiar faces where relationships can grow! We have a system in place to contact you during the worship service if necessary.

Your Kids Will Learn About Jesus

We desire for each child to experience a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Using age-specific curriculum, Heritage Kids leaders deliver fun and memorable teachings from the Bible that make it easy for your child to learn. Your kids will have a blast while learning about the love of Jesus.

Sunday Classes

Bible Class 9:00AM

Junior Church 10:00AM


We would like to invite you to use our nursery facilities while you attend one of our services. We provide well-staffed nurseries for all of our church services.

The nursery facilities are located in the Auditorium Building, to the left of the main lobby. We have a nursery for infants and crawlers and a separate nursery for toddlers.

All parents are asked to download our nursery check-in app, so that we may be able to contact you if your child needs additional care during service.

Nursery is available during every service.


2 - 3 years 
Your child will come home singing new songs, quoting verses they have memorized, displaying their crafts, and sharing with you important truths they are learning from the Bible. They will learn things like the importance of obedience, being kind, sharing, and even more important truths, like who Jesus is, and the fact that God loves them and made them for a unique purpose.

The teachers and workers are trained, dedicated, compassionate, and excited to be a small part of the life of your child.

Beginners Bible Class 9:00AM (Room 129)
LEADER: Erin Muessen

Junior Church 10:00AM (Room 129)
LEADER: Dee Wright/Casey & Lucy Fenton


4 - 5 years
Each Sunday begins with coloring a picture of our Bible lesson followed by singing fun songs that teach big truths about God. We discuss the exciting ways different missionary families are serving God all over the world. The children in our class are fervently prayed for, and rewarded with stickers, treats, prizes, and snack time. Bible verses are explained, memorized, and applied to their lives. Most importantly, Bible lessons are taught and reviewed to learn about God’s amazing forgiveness, love, power, and plan for their lives. God delights in using little children to serve and glorify Him!

Beginners Bible Class 9:00AM (Room 126)
LEADER: Shannon Helton

Junior Church 10:00AM (Room 126)
LEADERS: Kaitlin Scherzer/Nick & Elizabeth Sandridge


1st - 2nd Grade

Games, excitement, learning, crafts, and songs are just a few words that describe the Primaries Sunday school classes at Heritage Baptist Church. During this critical age range, children's ability to memorize Bible verses, and to comprehend more significant truths from the Bible really accelerates.

Primary Bible Class 9:00AM (Room 125)
LEADER: Alysa Davis/Rachael Carpenter

Junior Church 10:00AM (Room 125)
LEADER: David and Rebecca Bennett


3rd - 5th Grade
Third through fifth graders will experience classes and a Junior church service that is as full of energy, excitement, and hope as they are. They will learn powerful truths from the Bible that will stick with them for the rest of their lives. They will memorize Scripture, participate in games, and make great friends.

Juniors Bible Class 9:00AM
LEADER: (Boys) Bob Michaud (Room 113)
LEADER: (Girls) Katelynn Burwell (Room 112)

Junior Church 10:00AM (Music Room)
LEADER: Brent & Christina Burwell/Mike & Andrea Holmes

Wednesday Evenings

Meet at 6:45

Master Clubs

2 years - 5th Grade
Master Clubs is a Bible club for Kids 2 years old through the 5th grade. The club meets every Wednesday night starting at 6:45PM and goes to the end of the church service. Children can be dropped off in the gymnasium where a helpful staff member will assist them to their classes. Master Clubs are designed to evangelize, disciple, teach, train, and provide opportunities to serve for all children. During the school year, the children will work through books, earning badges, while learning about the Bible. The kids will also have Game Time and Bible Time throughout the year.

Every Wednesday Evening @6:45PM in the Gymnasium
LEADERS: Titus & Beth Carpenter


5th Grade - 7th Grade
SEALS is an acronym for Soldiers Enlisted As the Lord’s Servants and is a voluntary club for boys and girls in grades 5-7. The club year runs from July through June, but children may join at any time.

Our mission is to train our kids in personal evangelism and to encourage them to grow spiritually as they serve in the ministries of Heritage Baptist Church. This is accomplished by a system of rewards as club members earn points to make rank and participate in service opportunities to earn ribbons.

First Wednesday of Every Month in Room 203
[Dismissed from Auditorium after 7:00pm]
LEADERS: John Mills & Jeff Neese

Their Best Day Ever!

Heritage is committed to providing an environment that is safe, clean, and fun for kids!

At Heritage, the children’s ministry is uniquely designed with your child in mind! Kids experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way.