Tim Renner
Care Pastor
Tim Renner has served as the Care Pastor for Heritage Baptist Church since 2022.
When he was about 8 years old, Tim attended a revival meeting at Central United Brethren Church in Rohrersville, Maryland. Evangelist Wilbur Sites gave a clear presentation of the Gospel and Tim understood that he was a sinner in need of salvation. He knelt at the altar and asked Jesus to be his Savior.
Tim married Linda in June of 1981 and the Lord blessed their marriage with three daughters and a son. They are all married now and have brought great joy to the Renners adding 10 grandchildren to the family so far!
Pastor Renner is a graduate of Bob Jones University where he earned his B.A. in Bible, an M.A. in Pastoral Studies, and a Master of Divinity. He has served in ministry for 38 years since, beginning with youth and music ministries in NC, then pastoral ministries in WV and VA.
When he was about 8 years old, Tim attended a revival meeting at Central United Brethren Church in Rohrersville, Maryland. Evangelist Wilbur Sites gave a clear presentation of the Gospel and Tim understood that he was a sinner in need of salvation. He knelt at the altar and asked Jesus to be his Savior.
Tim married Linda in June of 1981 and the Lord blessed their marriage with three daughters and a son. They are all married now and have brought great joy to the Renners adding 10 grandchildren to the family so far!
Pastor Renner is a graduate of Bob Jones University where he earned his B.A. in Bible, an M.A. in Pastoral Studies, and a Master of Divinity. He has served in ministry for 38 years since, beginning with youth and music ministries in NC, then pastoral ministries in WV and VA.
At home Tim enjoys doing yard work and repairing lawn mowers and small engines. The western stories of Louis L’Amour are his favorite fictional reading material and fishing with his grandchildren is his favorite activity.
Pastor Renner’s ministry desire and prayer is that God would use him to be a help to Pastor Carpenter and to be an encouragement and blessing to the Heritage Church family through visitation, prayer, and in any way needed.