We are Change - Makers!
The power of prayer, a word of encouragement, serving others, these are great ways to bring about positive change.
Men's Prayer Meeting
Every Saturday morning the men and boys of Heritage gather in the chapel to share burdens and requests and pray for our country, church, and families. It is a moment out of our busy weeks to share our burdens and blessings with one another and bring them to the Lord.
A brief devotional is given by one of the men followed by donuts and coffee in the Fellowship Hall. This is an opportunity for men to grow in the Lord and grow in friendship.
Saturdays @7:30AM in the Chapel
LEADER: Justin Green
Heritage Institute
of Ministry
The Heritage Institute of Ministry (HIM) was established to provide members of the Heritage Baptist Church with academic and spiritual training that can help them advance their EDUCATION of Scripture, EQUIP them for service in the local church, and ENRICH their walk with the Lord.
Most classes meet in the lab, Room 114
LEADERS: Mike Holmes, Hank Muessen
Clubs & Choirs
There are great opportunities outside of Sunday classes for children to grow in their love for Jesus.
Master Clubs
2 Years - 5th Grade
Master Clubs is a Bible club for Kids 2 years old through the 5th grade. The club meets every Wednesday night starting at 6:45PM and goes to the end of the church service. Children can be dropped off in the gymnasium where a helpful staff member will assist them to their classes. Master Clubs are designed to evangelize, disciple, teach, train, and provide opportunities to serve for all children. During the school year, the children will work through books, earning badges, while learning about the Bible. The kids will also have Game Time and Bible Time throughout the year.
Every Wednesday Evening @6:45PM in the Gymnasium
LEADERS: Titus & Beth Carpenter
5th-7th Grades
SEALS is an acronym for Soldiers Enlisted As the Lord’s Servants and is a voluntary club for boys and girls in grades 5-7. The club year runs from July through June, but children may join at any time.
Our mission is to train our kids in personal evangelism and to encourage them to grow spiritually as they serve in the ministries of Heritage Baptist Church. This is accomplished by a system of rewards as club members earn points to make rank and participate in service opportunities to earn ribbons.
First Wednesday of Every Month in Room 203 [Dismissed from Auditorium after 7:00pm]
LEADERS: John Mills & Jeff Neese
Jr Choirs
4 Years Old - 6th Grade
At Heritage our children's music program is divided into two separate choirs: Primaries and Juniors.
Our goal is to instill the love for praising the Lord and glorifying His name. Children's choirs lay the foundation for learning how to praise the Lord through music and teach the elementary principles of music and the role music has in worship.
Every Sunday Evening @5:30PM
4yrs old - 2nd Grade in Room 103 I 3rd Grade - 6th Grade in the Music Room
LEADERS: JoAnn Hodges & Angela Wall